Even if you don’t work in marketing, you have probably heard the term “call-to-action,” and know how important it is in digital advertising. Well, it’s also important in print advertising. If you’re not already familiar with the concept, the description is right there in the name: a call-to-action is the part of your ad that tells consumers what it is that you want them to do. That might involve asking them to visit a website, call a phone number, or to visit your premises. In some cases, it could be to pick up a book, or exercise. The point is, you are “calling” upon people to take some kind of “action.” But, when everyone’s ads are telling people what to do, you need to make sure consumers are listening to yours.
Using storytelling to make a compelling marketing narrative
Whether you know it or not, storytelling isn’t just the latest hot topic in marketing.
How to make your digital strategy succeed today
Here are few things you can do right away that will help reign in the…
How to choose colors to represent your brand
Research shows that up to 90% of subconscious judgments about products and organizations are based…